- new submitions and updates for NASSCOM Product Compendia
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Company Details

Name of the person filling this form: *

Your Email ID: *

Please ensure the correctness of email as acknowledge will be sent to this email.

Company Basic Details: *

Brief about the company: *

Company USP:

Services rendered by the company beyond the Product portfolio (including product-associated services):

Leadership team/Key contacts *

FIRST TWO persons' details are mandatory. Write 'N/A' whichever needs to be left blank.

Name Email Mobile Phone Designation LinkedIn

Latest Data about the company: *

These are critical details for us to let your prospective customers/partners know you better. This will also help us to provide better opportunities of Business/Investor connect.

Answer As on (F.Y.) e.g. 2016-17

Funding Status: *

Yes No

Funding Information (upto Latest 5 rounds)

Investment Type (Seed/Angel/Series A, B, C...) Investor(s) Year Amount

Clientele and geography:

Indicative list of customers, customer types and geographic presence...

Awards and recognition received by company:

Please mention if a particular award is received for a specific category/product

Corporate social media channels:

companies account for facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc...

Please upload the company logo: *

Only jpg/jpeg/png file formats up to 100 KB are accepted.


How many products do you wish to add/update? *

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